Is Your Travel Expense Policy Keeping Up With the Times?

by Tim Wheatcroft

Is Your Travel Expense Policy Keeping Up With the Times?

Your organization must ensure that its travel and expense policy stays updated, to support the requirements of both the employer and also those who need to submit expense reports. With services such as Uber/Lyft and Airbnb now in the mainstream, is your policy keeping up?

Expense Management, Expense Policy, For Travel Managers

How I Did It: Modernizing Invoice Approval for a Rapidly-Growing Organization

How I Did It: Modernizing Invoice Approval for a Rapidly-Growing Organization

The University of Pennsylvania Health System is a diverse research and clinical care organization that includes four hospitals, two regional medical centers and a multitude of clinical care providers. In this guest blog post, Steve Kelly, UPHS’ director of disbursements, outlines how the organization lets business flow by delivering a mobile, highly-automated integrated expense and invoice automation solution.

Accounts Payable, For CFOs

How I Did It: Speeding up Expense Reimbursement with Automated Policy Compliance

How I Did It: Speeding up Expense Reimbursement with Automated Policy Compliance

Idaho State University (ISU) is a public research university in Pocatello, Idaho. Founded in 1901 as the Academy of Idaho, ISU now has 14,000 undergraduate and graduate students and more than 2,000 faculty and staff. In this guest blog post, Lisa Leyshon, assistant controller at ISU, explains how the university let business flow by automating expense policy compliance and speeding up the approval process, getting reimbursements back in travelers’ accounts much more quickly.

Expense Management, Expense Policy, Expense Reports

There When You Need It: Leverage Business Intelligence Data with Scheduled Reports

by Raj Udeshi

There When You Need It: Leverage Business Intelligence Data with Scheduled Reports

Effective business analysis improves the decision-making process by allowing finance staff to track, process, and analyze data and - perhaps most importantly - transform it into actionable insights that drive strategy. Chrome River customers leverage our deep analytics capabilities so they can control spend by transforming expense spend data into insightful reports.

Expense Analytics and Reporting

How Can Expense Automation Benefit Your Organization?

by Tim Wheatcroft

How Can Expense Automation Benefit Your Organization?

New research shows that expense automation technology is firmly in the mainstream, and the majority of organizations that have made the switch have adopted dedicated cloud-based expense automation software. If your organization hasn't yet made the leap, what are the main benefits that you are missing out on?

Expense Management, Expense Reports, SaaS and Cloud for AP

How I Did It: Upgrading to Chrome River from Another Expense Solution

How I Did It: Upgrading to Chrome River from Another Expense Solution

Latham & Watkins was founded in 1934 and is one of the world’s largest and most prestigious law firms. It has annual revenues of more than $3 billion, and has 2,500 attorneys. In this guest post, Neil Ackley, Latham & Watkins’ director of global accounting explains how he let business flow for the firm by upgrading its expense management solution to Chrome River.

Expense Management

Will Your Expense Management Solution Evolve with Your Organization?

by Tim Wheatcroft

Will Your Expense Management Solution Evolve with Your Organization?

Change is a constant in the business world. New business units. International growth. Acquisitions. For an organization's software solutions to keep up, it needs to be flexible and robust enough to adapt as a company evolves. When choosing an expense management solution, how can organizations ensure that it will be able to adapt to the changing tides?

Expense Management, Expense Policy, SaaS and Cloud for AP

7 Magnificent Reasons Why Technology Leaders Choose Chrome River

by Julie Roy

7 Magnificent Reasons Why Technology Leaders Choose Chrome River

We’re proud to support our 800+ customers in their goal of controlling employee expense costs and streamlining invoice and expense approvals. However, we’re particularly excited that an ever-growing number of global technology leaders have chosen Chrome River as their expense management technology provider. Here are seven of the reasons they trust Chrome River.

Chrome River

Why Navigating your Expense System Migration to Chrome River is Smooth Sailing

by Christina Gruen

Why Navigating your Expense System Migration to Chrome River is Smooth Sailing

Navigating change is critical to the successful adoption of a new software solution. However many organizations stumble as they attempt to reap the benefits of a new solution because they get stuck during the changeover to a new offering. Here's how Chrome River enables our customers to avoid this.

Chrome River, Expense Management

Playing by the Rules: Why Configurability is Key in Expense Management Choice

by Tim Wheatcroft

Playing by the Rules: Why Configurability is Key in Expense Management Choice

One of the biggest benefits that an expense management solution can deliver is automated enforcement of an organization's expense policy and approval processes. However, not all expense solutions have the capability or flexibility to support the requirements of complex global organizations.

Expense Management, Expense Policy, Expense Reports
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Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle

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