Elsevier: Overcoming Global Finance Complexities
A global footprint is indicative of an organization’s success. For finance teams, expense management across international locations can lead to many frustrations. Learn how Dutch enterprise information solutions provider Elsevier solved these challenges with Emburse Chrome River.
Expense ManagementWhy Mobility is a Critical Consideration for Your Expense Management Strategy
Expense management is, by its very nature, one of the business apps with the greatest requirement for deep mobile functionality. Many software solutions are mainly used in-office, and can often get by with relatively limited mobile functionality for consuming data. However, expense management requires a significant amount of creating data while on the road – capturing receipts, creating reports and so on.
Business TravelHow I Did It: Accelerating Change Turnaround Time by 600%
ZS is a professional services consulting firm, with more than 7,000-plus ZSers in more than 25 offices worldwide. In this guest blog, Parikshit Bhatt, associate consultant at ZS, explains how implementing Emburse Solution Administrator boosted helpdesk support and prioritization.
Expense Management, Expense ReportsChrome River or Concur – How to Decide Which Works Best for You
Organizations who are looking for a full-featured, enterprise-grade expense management solution often find that the choice comes down to Chrome River and Concur. Once the shortlist has been created, how can finance, IT and procurement teams work out which solution works best for their team?
Chrome River, Expense Management, For CFOs9 Signs it’s Time to Switch Expense Management Systems
It’s not too long ago that the panacea to everyone’s expense problems was “get expense management automation software.” Anything was a quantum leap from having to staple or tape your receipts to a spreadsheet, then hand it into your accounting team, and then wait a pay cycle (or two) for them to be reviewed, and then go up the approval chain, and then finally to the payroll team who would often cut you a paper check... that you often had to take to the bank or ATM to deposit.
Expense Management, For Travel ManagersBuy, Pay, Expense: Save Time on Amazon Business Expenses with Chrome River and Mastercard
We are excited to launch a new relationship with Amazon Business and Mastercard that will make the expense process even easier when making business purchases. This is another major step toward our goal of automating the entire expense process.
Expense Management, Expense ReportsBringing in a New Era in Corporate Payments with Emburse Pay
Emburse Pay is a new suite of global payments solutions to simplify, automate, and control corporate expenses. It launches with Chrome River EXPENSE, integrated with Emburse cards and supported with pre-approvals.
Accounts Payable, Expense Management, PaymentsGartner and Ardent Partners Advise How to Build a Best-in-class Accounts Payable Operation
The world of accounts payable continues to evolve, and the COVID pandemic is driving yet more change in the industry as organizations seek to virtualize their AP processes. Learn from experts at Gartner and Ardent Partners about benchmarks and best practices to consider.
Accounts Payable, Invoice Management, Payments, SaaS and Cloud for APWhen Cash (Control) is King: Is Your Accounts Payable Strategy Optimized for a COVID-19 World?
The dramatic economic shift caused by COVID-19 has led to a sudden need for finance and AP teams to reassess vendor payment strategies, in order to optimize cash reserves. How can organizations ensure that they have the visibility needed to make these critical decisions?
Accounts Payable, Chrome River, Invoice ManagementGetting the Most Out of Your Spend Data with Emburse Insight Advisor
Emburse Insight Advisor delivers sophisticated custom report authoring and analytics capabilities, combined with a designated team of consultants that can help create powerful reports and provide expert advice into industry trends, KPIs, and benchmarks.
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Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care.
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic.