By Guest Blogger, Elias Terman, VP of Product Marketing at OneLogin IAM, Identity and access management

Identity and access management (IAM) plays an important role within organizations. A newly hired employee is assigned an email address and login credentials. He or she uses the corporate email address to sign in to various systems like email, the client management application and the expense management system. All emails, customer data andexpense reports belong to the organization.

When the individual’s employment ends, the organization must have access to and control over the data produced by the employee, while ensuring that he or she can no longer access the data.

Implementing IAM allows your organization to manage authorization and privileges across your entire system to increase security while decreasing the investment of time and money. These solutions also help your team members be more productive by automating previously manual tasks.

Among the benefits of IAM are:

  • Improved regulatory compliance
  • Reduced information security risk
  • Reduced IT operating and development costs
  • Improved operating efficiency and transparency
  • Improved user satisfaction

Would your organization benefit from IAM? If one or more of these 10 signs apply to your organization, then you will certainly benefit from identity management.

 Your Employees

  1. Use the same password for all applications and never change them
  2. Manage passwords in spreadsheets or on sticky notes
  3. Can still access your data after they no longer work for you
  4. Forget user names and passwords on a daily basis
  5. Share and never change passwords for applications like FedEx and Twitter

Your IT Department

  1. Is burdened with password-related support
  2. Has zero insight into application usage and security
  3. Cannot enforce security policies in the cloud
  4. Lacks proper reporting tools to ensure compliance
  5. Struggles with integrating your directory infrastructure with the cloud

Implementing IAM allows your employees to use single sign-on (SSO) at the office or on the go and enforces multi-factor authentication. If you’re considering implementing IAM at your organization, contact OneLogin for more information.


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