UK Finance Leaders Reveal Biggest Concerns for the Post-COVID Recovery

by Tim Wheatcroft

UK Finance Leaders Reveal Biggest Concerns for the Post-COVID Recovery

Then months after lockdowns brought business to a grinding halt, finance directors shared their views on the future. Two surveys asked finance directors, CFOs, and decision makers for their perspective on the biggest impacts - and opportunities. Find out what they thought.

For CFOs

9 Signs it’s Time to Switch Expense Management Systems

by Tim Wheatcroft

9 Signs it’s Time to Switch Expense Management Systems

It’s not too long ago that the panacea to everyone’s expense problems was “get expense management automation software.” Anything was a quantum leap from having to staple or tape your receipts to a spreadsheet, then hand it into your accounting team, and then wait a pay cycle (or two) for them to be reviewed, and then go up the approval chain, and then finally to the payroll team who would often cut you a paper check... that you often had to take to the bank or ATM to deposit.

Expense Management, For Travel Managers

Gartner and Ardent Partners Advise How to Build a Best-in-class Accounts Payable Operation

by Tim Wheatcroft

Gartner and Ardent Partners Advise How to Build a Best-in-class Accounts Payable Operation

The world of accounts payable continues to evolve, and the COVID pandemic is driving yet more change in the industry as organisations seek to virtualise their AP processes. Learn from experts at Gartner and Ardent Partners about benchmarks and best practices to consider.

Accounts Payable, Invoice Management, Payments, SaaS and Cloud for AP

When Cash (Control) is King: Is Your Accounts Payable Strategy Optimised for a COVID-19 World?

by Ryan Plutnicki

When Cash (Control) is King: Is Your Accounts Payable Strategy Optimised for a COVID-19 World?

The dramatic economic shift caused by COVID-19 has led to a sudden need for finance and AP teams to reassess vendor payment strategies, in order to optimise cash reserves. How can organisations ensure that they have the visibility needed to make these critical decisions?

Accounts Payable, Chrome River, Invoice Management

Getting the Most Out of Your Spend Data with Emburse Insight Advisor

by Ryan Plutnicki

Getting the Most Out of Your Spend Data with Emburse Insight Advisor

Emburse Insight Advisor delivers sophisticated custom report authoring and analytics capabilities, combined with a designated team of consultants that can help create powerful reports and provide expert advice into industry trends, KPIs, and benchmarks.

Expense Analytics and Reporting

How We Did It: Supporting Front Line Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak

How We Did It: Supporting Front Line Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak

A sudden transition to working from home meant that nonprofit Compass Health Network needed to rapidly bring its expense processing online. The organisation also needed to ensure that it could effectively support its front line employees, so they could focus on their core mission of supporting their clients.

Expense Management

Managing Traveller Safety in a Post-Coronavirus World

by Robin Hanselman

Managing Traveller Safety in a Post-Coronavirus World

For organisations to remain strong when the coronavirus pandemic begins to ease, business travel must restart. How can they ensure that employees aren't travelling into infection hot spots?

Business Travel, For Travel Managers

Controlling Car Rental Spend With Car FOLIO

by Barbara Doane

Controlling Car Rental Spend With Car FOLIO

Many organisations have negotiated corporate rates with their preferred car rental providers. But with potentially many thousands of rentals each year, how can they verify that each traveller receives the appropriate rates? Chrome River is making it far easier to analyse the data with the launch of FOLIO for car rentals.

Business Travel, Expense Management, For Travel Managers

Supporting Your Organisation’s Temporary Transition to Work-from-Home

by Danielle Tabor

Supporting Your Organisation’s Temporary Transition to Work-from-Home

Making the transition to working from home isn't always easy for employees. Emburse's Chief People Officer, Danielle Tabor, offers tips on how organisations can set their teams up for success.

Expense Management, For CFOs

Why Expenses Shouldn’t Have to Be So Painful

by Tim Wheatcroft

Why Expenses Shouldn’t Have to Be So Painful

Gartner analyst Chris Pang spoke with technology buyers to learn about their challenges with expense management, and outlined how technology vendors could tackle these challenges.

Expense Management
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Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle