Easy Expense Management for University Grants and Research
With expenses that can range from a handful of photocopies to overseas travel, grant and research project budgets can be tough to track. Paper-based expense management systems are a headache for both your researchers and administrators. And one-size-fits-all expense software doesn’t have the specific capabilities your university needs to accurately manage the myriad of grant and research nuances.
Expense ManagementContinuing our Strong Growth
Working for a fast-paced organization such as Chrome River, it can sometimes be that case that we’re all so focused on our own roles in ensuring the success of our customers and the company, that we forget to look back and see how far we’ve come.
Chrome RiverCalifornia Chrome – a Horse After Our Own Hearts
This is a pretty big sports week here at Chrome River. First, our beloved team, the Cubbies, won the World Series (they’re a customer of ours, hence the love). On Saturday, it’s the Breeders' Cup, and the favorite is, of course, California Chrome.
Which Way Does Your Non-Profit Handle Non-Employee Expenses?
Volunteers can offer an incredibly valuable resource for non-profit and non-governmental organizations, and other non-employees, such as scholarship and grant recipients, are a key part of many of these organizations. However, properly tracking and recording any out-of-pocket expenses they incur can be a major headache. Organizations typically have two options for handling expenses accrued by volunteers and non-employees. One involves a time-consuming, tedious process, while the other offers a quick and easy resolution.
Expense ManagementProductivity on the Road: How Your Expense Management System Can Contribute
Creating and submitting your expenses while on a business trip need not be a drain on productivity. What are the biggest challenges your users face with their expenses on the road, and how can these be resolved?
Business Travel, Expense ManagementOur new Los Angeles Headquarters - Welcome to The River
Take a peek inside Chrome River's shiny (literally) new office on Los Angeles' historic Miracle Mile.
Chrome RiverTop 10 Perils of Using a Manual Expense Solution
Nearly half of all organizations are still stuck using manual expense reporting systems. If you continue to use paper-based processes instead of an expense automation solution, the risks could easily outweigh any perceived benefits.
Expense Management, Expense ReportsWhy it’s Critical to Right-size your Technology Provider
One of the most critical questions when choosing an enterprise technology provider is “will we be a good match?” This isn’t just in terms of the vendor’s solution, and how its solution integrates with your infrastructure, but also if the two organizations mesh well together. Your decision needs to address a wide variety of factors beyond “can it do what we need it to do?” and “does it offer good value?” You also need to consider factors ranging from cultural fit to where you are size-wise on your vendor’s customer roster.
For CFOs, SaaS and Cloud for APHow to Make the Business Case for an Expense Management System
As we move into budget planning, it’s time for team leads to start creating wish lists for the coming year. One of the most critical questions is, “how much will it cost, and what’s the ROI?” This is essential decision-making information every year, but many CFOs will be reluctant to provide a budget for any new spend that doesn’t deliver tangible ROI. Therefore, you’d better make sure you have a rock-solid business case.
Chrome River, Expense Management, For Travel ManagersMyth vs. Reality in Expense Management Solutions
You may possibly have noticed that there’s an election taking place in a couple of months. One of the time-honored tactics used by politicians from all sides is to throw out facts or statistics about your opponent, which may or may not have any basis in fact.
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Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care.
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic.